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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment

Leading Citizenship by Investment Programs

Citizenship by investment programs provide families with the privilege of acquiring an alternative citizenship, which in turn gives them the right to travel freely to various destinations and to settle in another country. Over 100 countries, including key destinations in Europe and the Caribbean, have some form of investment migration legislation in place. Of these, about 30 residence and/or citizenship by investment programs are running successfully, many of which were designed and set up by Henley & Partners.

More than ever before, wealthy individuals are pursuing citizenship options as the most effective way to access previously unimagined opportunities. Listed below are the details of the most credible and successful citizenship programs offered by Henley & Partners.

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Leading Citizenship by Investment Programs

Citizenship by Investment Programs

Citizenship Planning

Citizenship by Investment Overview

Citizenship by investment programs offer you the opportunity to legally acquire a new citizenship quickly and simply, without onerous, typical visa and passport application processes.

Why Citizenship by Investment?

In an unsettled, ever-changing world, acquiring an alternative citizenship is a wise decision and an investment for the future.

Important Points

Citizenship is the most privileged form of nationality, a broader term that is used in international law to denote all persons whom a state is entitled to protect.

An Introduction to Citizenship by Investment

Principal grounds for acquiring citizenship are birth within a certain territory, descent from a citizen parent, marriage to a citizen, and naturalization. The conditions under which the privilege of naturalization is granted vary from state to state, but family relationships or lengthy periods of residence are usually essential, besides character and other requirements. While residence is granted to investors and wealthy individuals in most countries, there are currently only 11 countries that offer citizenship by investment programs that provide a direct route to citizenship based on investment and that have passed Henley & Partners’ country due diligence. These include key destinations in Europe, such as Austria and Malta, as well as leading Caribbean programs in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lucia. Other participating countries include Egypt, Jordan, North Macedonia, and Türkiye. The programs of Antigua and Barbuda and St. Kitts and Nevis have been designed by Henley & Partners under relevant government mandates.

Other countries offer a route to citizenship following a reasonable period of residence, such as Australia, Canada, Greece, Portugal, Singapore, the UK, and the USA.

Grant of citizenship on the basis of an investment

Most countries have provisions that allow their government to grant citizenship in return for major contributions to society, culture, the economy, and other interests of the state. However, this discretion of the government is exercised extremely rarely.

Several countries had programs in place at different times in the past that were specifically designed to attract foreign investors in return for citizenship. These include Ireland, whose program was terminated in 2001, Belize (until 2002), Grenada (terminated 2001 but reopened in 2014), Cape Verde, Seychelles, Slovakia, and several others.

Citizenship by investment options

Citizenship by investment programs offer you the opportunity to legally acquire a new nationality and an alternative passport quickly and simply, without major disruption to your life.

Expanding your global access through a citizenship program is no longer a luxury reserved for the ultra-rich. Acquiring citizenship through investment is increasingly accessible as more cost-effective programs are available, and many of the cheapest citizenship by investment programs offer enticing benefits and returns for a surprisingly low investment amount. Whether you are looking to improve your travel freedom, diversify your investment portfolio, or secure your legacy for future generations, there are a number of cheap citizenship by investment programs that can help you achieve your goals.

The programs that Henley & Partners offers are considered sufficiently clear in law and processes and have sufficient reputation and transparency to be considered the top tier of citizenship by investment programs.

We have studied all current programs and constantly monitor new developments. Henley & Partners has a unique position in that we are the only firm to have advised many different governments on projects ranging from strategic consulting to the design, implementation, and operation of investment-related residence and citizenship programs. The firm continues to advise and assist countries around the world in this field.

This record of designing, implementing, operating, and positioning citizenship by investment programs on behalf of governments is unique to Henley & Partners. It is an important and distinct advantage that all our clients enjoy.

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Contact us today

Henley & Partners assists international clients in obtaining residence and citizenship under the respective programs. Contact us to arrange an initial private consultation.

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