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Investment Migration and Higher Education Trends in the USA and Other Regions

Friday, 23 August 2024, Amritsar

Investment Migration and Higher Education Trends in the USA and Other Regions

Henley & Partners and CanAm Enterprises cordially invite FICC FLO Amritsar members to an exclusive session on investment migration and higher education.

The session will feature our esteemed panelists highlighting current higher education and investment migration trends in the USA and discussing the attractive investment migration programs among Indian HNW families.


  • Rohit Bhardwaj
    Country Head India and Director Private Clients, Henley & Partners
  • Tess Wilkinson
    Director Education Services, Henley & Partners
  • Min Wu
    Head of Sales, CanAm Enterprises
  • Piyush Gupta
    Vice President India and Middle East, CanAm Enterprises

Date: Friday, 23 August 2024

Location: Taj Swarna, Amritsar, Punjab

Please note that space is limited, and registration is required. You may only attend if registration is confirmed. For more information, please contact


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