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The Economist: 14th Cyprus Summit

1 - 2 November 2018, Nicosia Cyprus

The Economist: 14th Cyprus Summit


Although Europe and America have recovered to a significant extent a decade after the 2008 global financial crisis, major challenges still have to be faced. The decline of the traditional middle class, the uncertainty over technological changes and their social impact, the imbalances between financial systems and productive economy as well as the persistent protectionist and populist tendencies are but a few of the issues to be tackled. At the same time, Cyprus, having successfully completed the international bailout program in mid-2016, is on track to stabilize growth. The hydrocarbons exploration process in the Levantine basin has raised expectations that the country can evolve as a significant energy producer and transporter in the region.

Against this backdrop, prominent leaders from government, EU, international institutions, business, and academia will gather in Nicosia between 1-2 November 2018 for the 14th annual Cyprus Summit entitled, “Europe: Performing a Balancing Act — Cyprus: Leaving No Stone Unturned.”

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