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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment

Henley & Partners Publishes Comprehensive Guides to Swiss and Austrian Relocation

For immediate release: London, Tuesday 02 October 2018

Henley & Partners, the global leader in residence and citizenship planning, has published two new guides to relocating to Switzerland and Austria, covering a range of topics relevant to ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) and entrepreneurial individuals interested in making the move to these countries.

Dr. Juerg Steffen, Chief Operating Officer of Henley  & Partners and editor of both books, says the publication of these relocation guides is timely: “Today, following seven decades of rapid globalization, there are close to 260 million people living outside their country of origin, almost 50% more than there were in 2000. With greater international connectivity and mobility comes a new community of global citizens, whose identities are dynamic and fluid. It is against this backdrop that these books have been released: relocation is a highly relevant topic in 2018.”

Henley & Partners’ UHNW-relocation guides contain the most up-to-date information on Swiss and Austrian relocation currently available, with data on local policies and legislation accurate and verified as of 2018.

Relocation to Switzerland: An Introduction for High-Net-Worth Individuals and Entrepreneurs is now in its 3rd edition. The current revised and expanded edition contains detailed, user-friendly explanations of every aspect of the Swiss relocation process, including customs, residence and permanent settlement, citizenship, real estate, taxation, pension, health insurance, matrimonial property law and inheritance law, and education.

Similarly, Relocation to Austria: An Introduction for High-Net-Worth Individuals and Entrepreneurs, now in its 2nd edition, has been updated to include the latest insights into the most important matters pertaining to Austrian relocation: taxation, customs, citizenship law, health insurance, real estate, inheritance law, private foundations, and banking.

Dr. Steffen explains: “Each chapter in these books was researched and written by a leading expert in the field in question, making for extremely rich and authoritative content. Wealthy and entrepreneurial individuals around the world, as well as those who advise them, can now make use of these reference tools as they navigate the complex and multi-layered Swiss and Austrian relocation process. The manuals are a one-stop-shop for those looking to resettle in two of the most advanced and secure countries in the world.”

Because of their high levels of human development and peace and stability, as well as their strong international ties, Austria and Switzerland consistently feature near the top of both the Henley Passport Index and the Henley & Partners – Kochenov Quality of Nationality Index (QNI). As of 2 October 2018, the Austrian passport is ranked 4th in the world, with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 186 destinations worldwide, while the Swiss passport is ranked 5th, with 185 destinations accessible without a prior visa. Both the Swiss and the Austrian nationalities are categorized as ‘Extremely High Quality’, ranked 9th and 10th respectively in this year’s QNI.

Dr. Christian H. Kälin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, explains further: “Rather than something that we are powerless to change, our place of residence or citizenship is much more flexible than many people realize. Residence- and citizenship-by-investment programs, such as those in place in Switzerland and Austria, allow individuals to drastically improve their global prospects.”

“As part of these programs,” Dr. Kälin adds, “individuals make a significant economic investment in the host country, contributing to its long-term sustainability and prosperity. It is a mutually beneficial exchange, and it is also very much the direction in which the world is heading, as globalization continues apace.”

From 4 to 6 November 2018, Henley & Partners will host its 12th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Dubai. The event has become the world’s largest and most significant conference on investment migration, and this year’s program will feature the latest developments and trends in residence and citizenship planning and contemporary geopolitics, including updates on residence in Austria and Switzerland.



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