The Henley Global Mobility Report is a unique publication featuring commentary by leading scholars and experts on major trends influencing mobility patterns. Grounded in geopolitical analysis and focusing on the realities shaping our world — from the relationship between visa-free access and economic progress, to the 40 upcoming elections worldwide and shifting power dynamics, to what an open African Union would mean for economic power — the report offers exclusive insights into what we can expect in the months to come.
Henley & Partners has conducted exclusive new research into the relationship between visa-free access and economic progress by comparing key metrics across various regional and economic groups worldwide including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the African Union (AU), the European Union (EU), the G7, the G20, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), as well as the expanded BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc, which officially welcomed new members Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE in early January.
The indicators include each grouping’s percentage share of global GDP and the world’s population, along with their average percentage scores on the Henley Passport Index (measuring the number of destinations a passport holder can access without a visa), the Henley Openness Index (measuring the number of nationalities a country permits entry to without a prior visa), and the Henley Passport Power Index (measuring the percentage of global GDP each passport provides to its holders visa-free).
Travel or Trade Bloc | Henley Passport Index (score average as %) | Henley Openness Index (score average as %) | Henley Passport Power Index (score average as %) | Internal Access Average* | Share of Global GDP (total per bloc) | Population (%) |
G7 | 85% | 39% | 82% | 100% | 44% | 10% |
EU | 84% | 47% | 74% | 100% | 17% | 6% |
G20 | 69% | 41% | 54% | 48% | 98% | 82% |
MERCOSUR | 58% | 56% | 38% | 95% | 4% | 5% |
GCC | 49% | 41% | 29% | 100% | 2% | 1% |
BRICS | 43% | 42% | 21% | 44% | 28% | 45% |
ASEAN | 40% | 61% | 27% | 94% | 3% | 8% |
AU | 28% | 49% | 7% | 55% | 3% | 18% |
* The average of how much visa-free access any given member has to other members of the same bloc.
The data in the Henley Global Mobility Report 2024 Q1 is derived from the Henley Passport Index, the Henley Openness Index, and the Henley Passport Power Index, as well as World Bank GDP and population figures.
The Henley Passport Index is the original, authoritative ranking of 199 world passports, assessing the travel freedom granted to citizens based on the number of destinations accessible without a prior visa. The complete methodology is available here.
In the context of trade and travel blocs, the score signifies the average number of destinations, expressed as a percentage of the potential total of 226 that passport holders within the respective bloc can visit without the need for a prior visa.
The Henley Openness Index is the authoritative ranking of 199 countries/territories worldwide according to the number of nationalities each allows to cross its borders without a prior visa. This index offers valuable insights into a country’s global openness and its capacity to attract international visitors for both tourism and trade. The complete methodology is detailed here.
In the context of trade and travel blocs, the score denotes the average number of nationalities within a specific bloc — expressed as a percentage of the potential total of 199 — that are permitted to cross borders without a prior visa.
Henley Passport Power evaluates countries based on the percentage of global GDP to which their passport holders have visa-free access. The maximum score is 100, signifying unrestricted access to 100% of global GDP. The complete methodology is available here.
In the context of trade and travel blocs, the score indicates the average percentage of global GDP that passport holders from countries within a specific bloc can access without the need for a prior visa.
Based on the Henley Passport Index January 2024 scores, the internal access average indicates the average visa-free access any member of a specific trade or travel bloc has to other members of the same bloc.
World Bank GDP (current USD) figures, extracted in December 2023, are used for all GDP calculations. For any country where World Bank data is not available, other publicly available national databases are used.
To determine the national GDP share of global GDP, the GDP value of each of the 199 countries was divided by the sum of the GDP of all 227 destinations.
The share of GDP per bloc is derived by summing the national GDP shares of the countries within a specific country grouping. This aggregate figure reflects the collective power of the trade or travel bloc and underscores the benefits accrued by countries within that bloc. The maximum score is 100, indicating full access to 100% of global GDP.
Data source:
World Bank GDP (current US$)
World Bank population data for the most recent year was used for population figures. For any country where World Bank data is not available, other publicly available national databases are used. To calculate the population per bloc, the individual populations of the countries within the grouping were summed. The aggregate figure represents the total population encompassed by the respective trade or travel bloc, expressed as a percentage of the total global population, offering insights into the demographic scale and potential socio-economic impact of the bloc as a cohesive entity.
Data source:
World Bank Population (Total)
The information provided in the index is not intended to be binding, and visa information must be verified with a travel agent or embassy representative before travel arrangements are made.
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The Henley Global Mobility Report 2024 January was published on 10 January 2024.
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